Not So Nice Advice with Chuck Nice

112: Chuck is Cocky and Obstreperous

Episode Summary

Yes, you read that right, Chuck is one cocky, obstreperous bastard, but he's funny and we love him. Here the Not So Nice crew talk about a handicapped employee that might be faking it! They also talk about a rejected mother-in-law...did she deserve it? Probably! Listen and find out! If you have a problem, tweet chuck @chucknicecomic

Episode Notes

Yes, you read that right, Chuck is one cocky, obstreperous bastard, but he's funny and we love him.  Here the Not So Nice crew talk about a handicapped employee that might be faking it!  They also talk about a rejected mother-in-law...did she deserve it?  Probably!  Listen and find out!  If you have a problem, tweet chuck @chucknicecomic